Today was all about the Blues- the music itself and the culture and people that produced it. The day kicked off with a trip to Dockery Farms, deemed by BB King the “Birthplace of the Blues”. Next, the traveling classroom made its way to Ruleville, Mississippi, home of civil rights icon, Fannie Lou Hamer. On the way to visit Hamer’s memorial, participants listened to a lecture on education and civil rights by Dr. Edgar Smith, a friend of Hamer's. The next stop was the B.B. King museum where participants learned about King’s legacy and the role he played in popularizing the blues. The final event of the day was lecture on the history of blues music by Dr. David Evans. Dr. Evans gave a live performance of Delta blues for the teachers, and during a break in his lecture, a sampling of Delta hot tamales was served to the group.
This is an audio clip of workshop participant discussing the legacy of Robert Johnson and the Blues.